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Biological limit on life

\ˌbaɪəˈlɑʤɪkəl\ \ˈlɪmət\ \ɑn\ \laɪf\

An ageing theory which postulates that humans (along with other species) have a natural limit to their lifespans that cannot be exceeded.

The apparently uniform maximum lifespans of many domesticated animals (e.g. cats, dogs, horses) that have no natural predators are often cited as evidence in favour of the limit theory. However, some point to the increases in extreme ages of death of humans being recorded in many countries as evidence that no such limit exists for humans, or that the ‘limit’ is increasing.

Since everyone is different, the concept of a ‘hard’ limit seems unlikely, but a ‘soft’ limit - an age beyond which only exceptional humans survive - seems more credible. A successful anti-ageing treatment could invalidate the limit on life theory, with such a medical advance likely having the profound repercussions for our society.

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