The story so far
From the first glimmer of an idea to the consolidation of our UK, Canadian and US businesses under an independent parent company, Club Vita’s journey so far has helped develop the industry’s approach to longevity risk management and driven market innovation.

Longitude Exchange collaboration
Club Vita and Longitude Exchange announce collaboration to improve the efficiency and transparency of the risk transfer market

International restructuring
Club Vita consolidates UK, US and Canadian operations under newly formed independent parent company

NISA collaboration
NISA offer Club Vita’s longevity analytics to its clients to strengthen clients’ risk management strategies in the United States

Spence & Partners and Mantle collaboration
Club Vita analytics integrated into the Mantle actuarial valuation system. Spence & Partners to offer Club Vita analytics to its clients in the UK.
Growing Team
France Panneton joins Club Vita as Canadian Head of Pension Strategy

Bolton collaboration
Bolton offer Club Vita’s longevity services to its clients in the United States
Growing Team
Jenny Haid joins Club Vita as CEO of international team

WinTech collaboration
VitaCurves integrated into ProVal valuation software

Segal collaboration
Segal offer Club Vita’s longevity risk analytics to its clients in the United States
International expansion
Club Vita begins recruiting forward thinking US pension plans to take part in a US pilot.
First US VitaCurves model
Club Vita unveils new model for predicting life expectancy based on ZIP+4 codes, modernizing longevity risk management techniques for U.S. Pension Plans

Mercer becomes the first consulting firm to offer Club Vita’s longevity risk reporting to its clients in the United States
Growing team
Dan Reddy joins the Club Vita team as US CEO
Industry first
VitaCurves used for 1st Canadian buy-out transaction.

RiskFirst and JLT collaboration
VitaCurves are integrated into RiskFirst's PFaroe modeling system for defined benefit pension plans. JLT becomes the first actuarial consultancy to implement Club Vita's longevity analytics through RiskFirst's system.
Research highlight
Seminal paper released by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries on longevity modeling moving Canadian actuaries closer to their UK counterparts.
Continued growth
Over 220 leading DB pension plans in the UK and 60 leading DB pension plans in Canada pool their data through Club Vita. Our data set covers over 1 in 4 UK DB pensioners and 1 in 5 Canadian DB pensioners.

Collaboration with PLSA
Publication of our second research report on longevity trends by socio-economic group, reveals life expectancy of affluent men in the UK is rising faster than any other group.
International adoption
Initial set of 41 Canadian pension plans receive longevity risk measurement reporting.
Sector analysis
Sector-wide study of UK bus company pensioner survival patterns increases confidence.
Cridland Collaboration
Club Vita contributes to John Cridland's independent review of UK state pension age.

ILC Collaboration
Supporting the thought leadership of the International Longevity Centre.
VitaHedge Innovation
VitaHedge, in the UK, is the first indicative pricing service for longevity insurance, helping longevity risk become market-to-market.

NAPF Collaboration
Publication of our first research on longevity trends by socio-economic group, reveals narrowing of longevity gap between 2000-2010 in the UK.

Club Vita goes global
Club Vita Canada launches trial, leading to first postcode-based model for Canada, and strong parallels with UK experience.
LGPS Index
UK local government index launched.

CASS Collaboration
Research with CASS to quantify longevity basis risk, showing that national population indices would hedge around 75% of trend risk.
Fifth Birthday
180 supporters. UK period life expectancy is 84.1 for men and 86.7 for women.
VitaCurves Innovation
First reinsurer uses VitaCurves to help it provide competitive pricing for longevity transactions.
Research highlight
Seminal paper published in the peer reviewed journal of the UK actuarial profession, highlighting the power of using affluence and lifestyle (and other factors) as risk indicators when measuring life expectancy.
Membership milestone
100th plan joins Club Vita early in 2010.
Industry first
Club Vita insights used to help UK pension plan complete longevity risk transfer deal (they have subsequently been used in over half the completed transactions in the UK).
UK's Pension Protection fund joins Club Vita

VitaCurves Innovation
First vintage of VitaCurves model used in actuarial valuations, reviewed by auditors and regulators.
Growing team
Steven Hood (UK membership secretary) joins Club Vita's team to lead its growth.
Club Vita officially launches
Club Vita launches with support of 49 visionary founding plans. UK period life expectancy is 83.0 years for men and 85.6 years for women.
Growing team
Nick Flint (chief executive) joins Club Vita.
Club Vita pilot
Free pilot supported by 88 plans demonstrates the benefits of clubbing together to pool data.
Enabling a wider spectrum of life expectancy assumptions and revealing an unbroken series of annual increases in period life expectancy in its back history of 15 years. UK period life expectancy was 79.6 years for men and 83.5 for women in 1993.
Growing team
Steven Baxter, Andrew Gaches and Mike Wilkinson join Douglas Anderson at the creative heart of designing and building Club Vita's new informatics architecture.
Club Vita is born
Partners of Hymans Robertson agree to invest in long term vision for longevity informatics business. Project Vita is renamed Club Vita.
LGPS Longevity Trends
Hymans Robertson's review of demographic patterns in UK local government (to inform review of early retirement rules) showed the benefits of aggregating data across multiple plans, revealing that longevity patterns are associated with socio-economic differences.
Need more information?
Club Vita could not deliver the vast array of statistical insights without our gifted team of consultants, database architects and data processors.