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The risk of living longer
28 May


The Risk of Living Longer Series, Session 3/5: Cancer Research


Our "Risk of Living Longer" webinar series focuses on the impact of achieving significantly longer lifespans. How well is the risk of living longer really understood? Research has shown that people have a tendency to underestimate life expectancy, and actuaries have traditionally based future projections on historical trends. Register for session three of the series: Cancer Research, to gain insights on the most exciting areas of cancer research, how close these areas could be to breakthrough, and how might such breakthroughs impact life insurance books.

The risk of living longer
18 Jun


The Risk of Living Longer Series, Session 4/5: Biological Clocks


Our "Risk of Living Longer" webinar series focuses on the impact of achieving significantly longer lifespans. How well is the risk of living longer really understood? Research has shown that people have a tendency to underestimate life expectancy, and actuaries have traditionally based future projections on historical trends. Register for session four of the series: Biological Clocks, to gain insights on how we can accelerate the feedback loop of medical interventions. We will also explore biomarkers: what are they, how accurate are they, and how will they develop. We will also dive into implications from a life and health insurance perspective.

The risk of living longer
9 Jul


The Risk of Living Longer Series, Session 5/5: Using AI to Improve and Advance Healthcare


Our "Risk of Living Longer" webinar series focuses on the impact of achieving significantly longer lifespans. How well is the risk of living longer really understood? Research has shown that people have a tendency to underestimate life expectancy, and actuaries have traditionally based future projections on historical trends. Register for our last session of the series: Using AI to Improve and Advance Healthcare, to gain insights on the range of longevity-related AI use-cases: preventative medicine, accelerating drug discovery, establishing new genetic connections, and improving operational efficiency in health delivery. We will also explore how the pace of change in longevity will be affected by AI developments, which age groups are most likely to be affected, and ethical challenges to consider.

You can watch recent webinars on the event recordings tab.
