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The Risk of Living Longer Series, Session 5/5: Using Big Data and AI to Improve and Advance Longevity

Watch the fifth video in our Risk of Living Longer Series below. Session 5 of 5.

Event information

9 July 2024


Douglas and Uli ask the ultimate question of human longevity for financial institutions: How long can we go?

If many people start achieving significantly longer lifespans, there could be far reaching effects both on society and on our financial institutions. How well is this risk of living longer really understood? People have a tendency to underestimate life expectancy, and actuaries have traditionally based future projections on historical trends. Has group think resulted in systematic blind spots in appreciating future longevity risk? Are we overlooking potential black swan events? And do we fully appreciate the differences between insured populations and the general population?

In recent years, some of the world’s top minds – and most bulging wallets – have turned their attention to various aspects of increasing both healthspan and lifespan. Snippets filter down to us through the scientific media, but the questions remain: what are the most likely avenues for progress and how close are we to significant breakthroughs in extending lives?

Douglas Anderson (Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of Club Vita) and Uli Stengele (Chief Actuary of Nationwide Financial) hosted the final session of the series with Gregg TeHennepe (Senior Director, Computational Sciences at The Jackson Laboratory) and Steven Baxter (Head of Innovation and Development at Club Vita) where they explored Using Big Data and AI to Improve and Advance Longevity to unpack these key questions:

  • What is the range of longevity related AI use-cases: preventative medicine (such as spotting cancers in scans), accelerating drug discovery, establishing new genetic connections, improving operational efficiency in health delivery?
  • How will the pace of change in longevity be affected by AI developments?
  • Which age groups are likely to be most affected?

Please click here to access the slides from this webinar.


The Risk of Living Longer: Using Big Data and AI to Improve and Advance Longevity

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